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             Everything born has its own lifecycle, and so are all the resources around us. At the pace we have been convinced and got accustomed to using products filled with harmful, toxic chemicals we ignored what happened to our environment while we dumped these toxins on our skin resulting in dangerous side effects to us and on the land, rivers, and oceans.

             This very thought kept us on toes looking and learning about ways people in earlier times lived in balance with Nature. They called it “Santulan with Pruthvi” which literally means to live in balance with the ecosystem.

When we look back to Ancient Indians, this never seemed difficult to them as their lifestyle was co-connected to nature in every way, e.g. they prayed to our Rivers, Mountains, and Trees, they also called the land as 'Mother Earth'. It is very important to understand that when we pray to God we do not disrespect him/her, similarly Ancient Indians knew that the Natural resources around us are the very aspect to keep us alive and considered these resources as their gods, that kept the conscience of never to abuse them which helped them ‘Living in Balance with Nature’.

            This inspired us to look for better options to take care of our skin and hair, our search took us back to the Ancient Indian knowledge of Ayurveda – an extremely balanced and evolved knowledge with thousands of formulations and solutions.

Opening this Pandora’s Box led to the birth of MIRAI.

MIRAI means Future & Magic….

             We at MIRAI, have curated a wonderful array of products keeping in mind to keep the harmful chemicals and toxins far, very far from our products which makes it unique in itself and will bring a better future helping us live in balance with nature….

Our products are 100% toxic chemical free, made with Organic Cold pressed oils, Herbs, and raw materials extracted from plants sourced most of them from their ideal habitat mountains and forests, manufactured and packed in a clean environment to offer the best possible products to Pamper you with a luxurious ancient and a magical experience.

             Enjoy your journey with MIRAI

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